100 Beds

Thank you for partnering with us for 100 Beds!

From March 2 to July 3 we aim to raise $22,500 for 100 complete bed bundles to support impoverished and vulnerable families in Ethiopia and Cleveland. FCC will match funds up to $22,500 with the potential to provide 200 complete bed bundles!

If you already have an account with Fellowship, be sure to login in the upper right hand corner.

100 Beds

Given to date: $35,159.36

The following amounts will help support bedding supplies in Ethiopia in the following ways:

  • $25 (pillows)
  • $50 (sheets & blanket)
  • $150 (bedframe & mattress)
  • $225 (entire bed bundle)
  • $300 2X (bedframe & mattress)
  • $450 2X (entire bed bundle)

Note: Any amount can be given towards 100 Beds, however, the buttons relate to these bedding supplies listed above to enable you to give easily.